As most of you know, my husband has been out of work since February 1st. His unemployment is adequate but can not last forever. And here in Oklahoma, there are no more extensions being given for those out of work.
So...I have been looking for a job. And I found one I would be perfect for! There was an opening at one of the vet clinics in our area, for a vet tech. I was so excited and went immediately to apply.
The terms for employment were no experience required, minimum wage, and must love animals. However, I had plenty of experience to offer! I had spent 4 years breeding and raising English Bulldogs. I worked closely with the veterinarians in our area, often assisting in C-sections on my own dogs. I also gave all my own vaccines, know tons about diseases and disorders in small animals and am very familiar with the signs and symptoms of illness in dogs, cats and birds.
I also worked as a nurse for 18 years and am adept in sterile technique, clean technique, and various medical instruments and devices that are also used in a vet clinic.
In short, I was perfect for the job! But one of the questions on the application was "date of birth." I felt a little nervous about it but filled it in knowing that I was very qualified for the job.
I turned in my application and was told they would call me in for an interview soon. After 3 days and no call, I took the initiative and called them to let them know I was still interested in an interview. I asked if they had any questions about my application...and was told again that they would call me soon for an interview.
But that call never came. So I waited 4 more days and when I called them again, they said the position had been filled. I reminded the receptionist that I had been told I would get an interview and she said, "Oh, we're sorry, but we found someone more qualified."
Now this is a small town where everybody knows everybody...and I can tell you for a fact that the girl they hired was not more qualified for the job than me.
But she was younger...much younger...and very pretty. I know the "patients" will appreciate that when the new girl is trying to figure out how far you are supposed to insert the thermometer up their little butts. Or how to give a subcutaneous injection. Or trying to remember what a normal body temp is for a dog, cat, horse, etc.
If I sound angry it's because I am. Sometimes I wonder why they even ask for your age on an employment application. Why not just say plainly , "No one over 35 need apply!" At least then I wouldn't waste my time applying for a job I don't have any chance of getting, no matter how qualified I am.
I am having trouble with this experience. To be judged solely on the basis of my age is simply not fair. I am healthy, energetic, qualified and have a strong work ethic. Plus, I needed that job as much as anyone else!
Oh well, I will go to WalMart tomorrow and apply for a job in the pharmacy. I am well qualified for that position too. We will see what happens there.
To be passed over for gainful employment because I am almost 53 (birthday next month, yikes!) is more than a little discouraging. It actually hurts! But I can tell you this one thing for sure...someone will hire me eventually. And they will get a hard working, honest employee who will do her very best for them!!