Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Empty nest...Not me!

When our youngest child moved out I was faced with an ugly little thing called "empty nest syndrome." I tried working extra hours at my nursing job, took up a couple of hobbies (I still can't crochet to this day) and basically settled into a state of loneliness and despair that I didn't understand.

During all those years raising my children, my greatest complaint was that I had no free time. I had no time for myself. How I longed, in those days, for a leisurely bubble bath without a little hand knocking on the door and saying "I have to potty and I can't wait." Or maybe an hour when I could read a book without having to break up a fight in the next room. Or maybe sleeping the night thru with no little voices interrupting me with complaints of bad dreams. The mothers reading this will know what I am talking about, I'm sure.

So here I was with all the unfettered, free time in the world...and I was totally lost. I was depressed, lonely and unsure what I should do with myself. My sweet husband was kind and understanding during this time and tried his best to distract me but he had never been the primary caregiver for our kids...so he was a bit baffled by my depression, I think.

Bottom line...I needed something to take care of! So I asked my hubby if we could get a pet. I wanted a puppy. We were traveling because of my husband's work at the time and he made the very sensible argument that a pet might not be a good idea with our present lifestyle. But I didn't want sensible. I wanted something to love and care for. Frankly, I wanted another baby but since a human baby was not possible, I would adopt a puppy instead!

So we contacted a breeder with some unwanted puppies and that is where we found Dickens. Dickens was a Brussels Griffon mix breed puppy that no one wanted. And he was my salvation. What a sweetheart he was! We bonded immediately. It was love at first sight for Dickens and me... and he has been my best buddy and constant companion for 11 years now!

His vision is getting worse, just as mine is, and his joints ache on cold, damp days, just as mine do, but there is nothing more wonderful than the love and devotion of this little dog. He is my baby!

When we adopted Dickens my nest was no longer empty. What a happy day for me! Since Dickens came into our lives, we have added 2 more lovely canine souls (Pippa and Gus) to our family; as well as a cockatiel we call Jodie Bird.

Our home is full of life and love 24 hours a day and the empty nest is a long forgotten thing of the past for me.

Sometimes I still long to hear a little voice calling to me at night. Sometimes I wish for a knock at the bathroom door to interrupt my private time. What once seemed an inconvenience is now a sweet memory.

But my nest isn't empty. I have my babies...even if they are covered with fur and feathers.


  1. Beautiful. A very loving account of your love for everyone and everything. Dogs are wonderful companions and of course give you unconditional love. Although my kids are 27 & 30 and not at home, I still get the call to do this & that, money and food. My wife says that they never really leave - you just don't get as much washing! Mart.

  2. Aren't pets great? My husband and I have 6 dogs, 2 cats and a duck. That is our family. I think animals are the best kids I think anyone could have!

  3. Mart...yes, they are our children no matter how old they get. That is really nice!

  4. midnight...Oh yes, I do love my pets. They truly are my "kids"!

  5. I like cats better for snuggling. Sometimes you have to drag em by the ear to get em to snuggle with you though :)

  6. your post made me miss my doggies.we had two.one was a year younger to me,an apso.we grew up together!he died a natural death at thirteen.the other was a frisky labrador who died at six because she stole and ate an entire cadbury when we werent looking.she had a liver failure.my mom still misses her.she wont take any more dogs.they touch our lives in a way only dog lovers would know!

  7. Ah, Lucy, I'm sorry you lost your canine friends!...I dread losing "Dickens". He has been my constant companion for 11 years. I know he can't live forever but I honestly can not picture my life without him. So I enjoy every day with him. My advice to you is that you look around, visit shelters or breeders with unwanted puppies and find that one special dog that will add so much to your life! Hugs!

  8. Tyler...yep, I love cats too. I know what you mean. Our cat, Butler is SO independent! But he graces us with his affection from time to time, when he feel like it...LOL!
