Gardening is something I had little interest in when I was younger. As I've grown older, gardening has become a favorite hobby. For some reason planting things, tending those plants and watching them grow to maturity makes me happy. Why is that, I wonder?
I didn't care anything about growing or tending a garden when I was in my 20's and 30's. Maybe because I was too busy tending to my children and watching them grow. I didn't have much free time back then to indulge in hobbies.
Now that I'm older and have more free time, I find gardening very therapeutic. There is something so "zen" about digging in the earth and making things grow. A lovely calm comes over me when I am working the soil, planting seedlings, pulling weeds or watering my plants. And the rewards of this hobby are quite practical and nice. The vegetables and flowers I grow find their way to our table and nourish us. That nourishment is more than physical...it is almost spiritual. Spiritual, in that, I nurtured and nourished this plant and now it is nourishing me and making my life more beautiful!
I'm not a big time gardener with an acre to till and plow. But I do grow my roses (I have 6 of them) and try to plant a few vegetables each spring. I have done this for the last 9 or 10 years and it has become an important part of my life. I look forward to the coming of spring and planting season each year, pouring over seed catalogs all winter long...LOL! (This will sound all too familiar to those who love gardening.) Then, after caring and tending my plants, I can enjoy my harvest. Fresh tomatoes, sweet corn on the cob, squash, lettuce, cucumbers...yum!
If you haven't tried growing something, give it a whirl. It's more than just a hobby. It's LIFE! You may find that it does wonders for you mentally, physically and spiritually!!