Gardening is something I had little interest in when I was younger. As I've grown older, gardening has become a favorite hobby. For some reason planting things, tending those plants and watching them grow to maturity makes me happy. Why is that, I wonder?
I didn't care anything about growing or tending a garden when I was in my 20's and 30's. Maybe because I was too busy tending to my children and watching them grow. I didn't have much free time back then to indulge in hobbies.
Now that I'm older and have more free time, I find gardening very therapeutic. There is something so "zen" about digging in the earth and making things grow. A lovely calm comes over me when I am working the soil, planting seedlings, pulling weeds or watering my plants. And the rewards of this hobby are quite practical and nice. The vegetables and flowers I grow find their way to our table and nourish us. That nourishment is more than physical...it is almost spiritual. Spiritual, in that, I nurtured and nourished this plant and now it is nourishing me and making my life more beautiful!
I'm not a big time gardener with an acre to till and plow. But I do grow my roses (I have 6 of them) and try to plant a few vegetables each spring. I have done this for the last 9 or 10 years and it has become an important part of my life. I look forward to the coming of spring and planting season each year, pouring over seed catalogs all winter long...LOL! (This will sound all too familiar to those who love gardening.) Then, after caring and tending my plants, I can enjoy my harvest. Fresh tomatoes, sweet corn on the cob, squash, lettuce, cucumbers...yum!
If you haven't tried growing something, give it a whirl. It's more than just a hobby. It's LIFE! You may find that it does wonders for you mentally, physically and spiritually!!
Isn't garndening a wonderful spritiual gift?? I can feel you glowing as you share your love for it. I too love to garden, mostly veggies and some flowers. I also have a house full of houseplants that I adore. Big tree like ones that crowd the whole house. lol My little veggie seedlings are really starting to grow. I have another month before I can plant. :( It's very theraputic and healing. There is something so loving and tender about caring for a plant or flower. Sounds like you know the feeling. :)
ReplyDeletemarcoblue...oh, yes, I know the feeling! It truely is a spiritual gift...thank you for reading!!
ReplyDeleteI admire you Kat, you're so full of enthusiasm and get up and go. It's the best way to be of course, nothing gained from sitting around. I love the picture, full of colour and a crisp focus, the sort fo photo I like. Glad you enjoy gardening as so many say it's thereaputic and spiritual. Sadly neither of us are gardeners which annoys the neighbours. They spend every waking hour in the garden and we sit in it with tea and cakes and watch them. Hmm, I think I like my way!! Brilliant blog and again the picture is lovely. Mart
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mart! Tea sounds very nice....glad you like the picture...and thanks for being such a faithful reader...((Hugs))
ReplyDeleteGardening is theraputic. I planted tomatoes with my step-son and he so enjoyed it. I never thought I would like it. I now want to make a family garden.
ReplyDeleteI am like that with drawing. I draw almost everyday but when I was younger never had an interest but now I find it calming. I loved the blog.
Drawing is a cool talent...sadly one that I don't have...thanks for reading!
ReplyDeleteMy wife enjoys growing flowers and tomatoes. Nothing like home grown food!
ReplyDeleteI sure enjoy your posts. You are very talented at writing.
Gardening ia very satisfying. At one time I used to grow gladiolas almost exclusively--hundreds of them along with rise bushes, Now I mostly have just perennials and just some chives and parsley and basil.
ReplyDeleteMy greatest joy with gardening nowadays is getting up in the morning, cup up of tea in my hand, and walking slowing around my house to see how much each flower has grown since the day before.
I am so glad you enjoy gardening. It is a great time for meditation and peacefulness.
I like to putter in the yard. My husband always comes along and says "Why don't you use a hoe." or "I can spray for those" or "Get the weed eater." He doesn't understand that I enjoy sitting on the grass with my hands in the dirt pulling the weeds.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog!
Bernie...for us it is a cup of coffee but other than that, you just described most mornings for us. Thanks for reading!
ReplyDelete#1Nana...that's it exactly! I love to work the soil with my hands and watch the plants grow! It "feels" right to me...LOL!
ReplyDeleteJeff...thanks for reading...I love to grow something we can eat. And now my hubby is wanting to get a milk goat! Really! He read somewhere that goat's milk is good for us. LOL!
ReplyDeleteGardening makes you happy....SHOES make me happy! lol. luv u, mom!
ReplyDeleteLove you too, Baby Girl! BTW, I have used my Mother's Day gift every day since I got home...thanks!!!