It's so HOT and humid here in June and July! Oklahoma has some extremes in weather conditions. We had a snow storm on the first day of Spring this year, and of course, there are the tornadoes to contend with almost year round.
But I can't complain about the heat...I am definitely a summer person! The feel of the warm sun on my skin is like a life giving force to me.
My roses are blooming again...they are so beautiful and fragrant. Sometimes it's the simple things that make life special.
Hubby has been told by his company that he will be getting some work soon. That is a relief! He has never been laid off for this long before. My job search continues but, so far, no luck. I am thinking about going back into nursing.
My birthday was spent quietly with Sam (my Hubby) watching movies and eating comfort foods. I am happy to be another year older. Life is so sweet!
Father's Day was sad for me. We lost our Dad to cancer several years ago. I always wish that I could see my Dad just one more time and tell him that I love him. There never seems to be enough time to know and love people enough, does there?
Two days before Sam and I married, my Dad was sitting with me at the dining room table and he said something to me that I've never forgotten. He said, "Life isn't all sunshine and roses,"
Of course, being a teenager, I just rolled my eyes and thought, "okay, Dad, whatever." But Dad was right. Life isn't all sunshine and roses. I found that out very quickly.
Still, I have planted rose bushes in the garden/yard of every home we have had in the last 35 years.
I can't control the sunshine...but I can have the roses!
Thank you, God, for the roses.