I'm a "reader". I have been for as long as I can remember. It started when I was in the first grade with "Fun With Dick And Jane" and continues on to this day. I love books and the places that they take me to.
Today kids get engrossed in video games, but when I was a girl we didn't have video games. We had books. I could open a book and be totally involved with the story, characters and action to the point that everything else just faded into the background.
I have watched my grandson's face as he is playing a video game. He is completely absorbed. He doesn't see or hear anything else. And I realized that I do the same thing when I read. I am caught up and transported to another place and time! Once upon a time and not so long ago, reading was a primary source of entertainment.
But times do change. We have come a long way from eight track tapes to CDs, from writing letters to e-mail or Facebook and from party lines to cell phones. And even reading books has changed in this electronic age. I never thought I would enjoy an E-Reader. After all, there is the smell of a new book, the crisp sound of the new pages turning, the feel of the book in my hands. How could I ever give that up for some new fangled gadget?
Then I finally relented to all the advertising hype and bought a Kindle. I simply couldn't help myself. I had to try it. And it has turned out to be a verified wonder for me!
I can now carry a whole library of books with me when we travel. The Classics that thrilled me so in high school are free for me to download. I can reread them to my heart's content. And the current best sellers cost about half the price they would in hardback. My Kindle is with me every where I go now. New books and old favorites are just a click away. And I realize that it is the stories and words that are important, not the method of their delivery.
The other day, my grand daughter was visiting and I saw her pick up my Kindle. She searched through my library until she found a title that interested her...and then she began to READ! Now that's progress!
My greatest wish for this generation, for my grand children, is that they will discover the magic and wonder of the written word.
Read a good book today, my friends. Rediscover the wonder. You will be glad you did!
I love reading too.
ReplyDeleteMy latest is BLEAK HOUSE.
it's amazing how books can transport, transform and take us to another world.