Another Mother's Day has come and gone and I feel so blessed. It has been an eventful year! There has been great joy as well as great sadness in my life this past year.
My nephew, Connor, underwent a successful bone marrow transplant and is winning his fight with leukemia! Way to go, Connor! And I want to thank all of my readers who have sent up prayers for this little fighter - God bless you all.
We have moved to a new place, closer to our son and his family. The grand babies can run over to see me more often now. And we have had several great sleep-overs already. I love it! They keep me feeling so young and Keilee (13 years old) keeps me up to date on the latest fashion and music!
Speaking of Keilee, she will be graduating from the 8Th grade Friday night. Where does the time go? She really does get more beautiful every day. (Spoken like a true doting grandmother, right?)
I decided to go back into nursing so I am finishing up my Nurse Refresher course through OU next week. I said I'd never work in nursing again but "once a nurse, always a nurse",I guess. It's what I do best so I am excited to be back in my chosen profession.
I already told you about our great sorrow this past September - the loss of my nephew, Shane. His parents and brother are doing the best they can to go on without him. But, oh! how hard it is. Dear Lord please light their path and ease their pain.
This journey through my 5Th decade is a bit of a roller coaster ride sometimes. Both frightening and fun. In spite of the hurt and sorrow, it is still so good to be living this time of my life.
The sunrises are bright and beautiful, the nights are calm and restful and the people around me are sweeter to me than they have ever been before.
Hello Kat, I'm so glad you're writing again. It's good to have you back with us. From reading your post it appears that you've had an eventful time and with much success so well done. It truly is wonderful news about Connor and I know it has been a worry for all of you therefore to have him winning his battle is a real boost.
ReplyDeleteThe last two lines of your post wrap it all up for me. Life truly is wonderful. Hugs. Mart
Thanks for reading, Mart! I've missed all my Blog buddies (mates)!