Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So Much Has Happened!

I apologize for being absent from this Blog for so long but so much has happened. Since I last posted here, we have had a great sorrow in our family. My nephew was killed in an accident in September of 2010. His name is Shane and he was 17 years old.

I have found it impossible to write about this until now. We are a close knit family. The loss of my brother's child was almost more than I could stand. All of us are still grieving. It has been emotionally shattering for our family.

How do we make sense of the loss of a child? Who do we blame? So many people at the funeral kept saying it was "God's will" or "God's plan" for Shane, but I can't seem to accept that. I keep thinking that God had a much better plan for Shane and that this was simply an accident that no one could have forseen or prevented.

Shane was bright, young, beautiful, smart, and loved by everyone who knew him. He could light up a room just by walking in the door. But that light has gone out now, and we are left standing in the dark and trying to understand why he is gone.

Maybe someday we will know why he was taken from us...when we can speak to God face to face. But it won't matter then because we will all be together again, with Shane, in God's presence...and then there will be a family reunion like none we have ever known!

I love you, Shane. I will never forget you. And I will see you someday in God's house.


  1. Hi Kat, really sorry to learn about the loss of your nephew. It's very traumatic for anyone to lose someone they love so you have my heart felt sympathy. There's not much I can say to welcome you back to blogging but just know that it can be good to share with others.

    Hugs. Mart

  2. Oh Kat I am so very sorry to hear of this....you have been suffering for so many months now....greif can be such a great misery....please know that you have been missed and that you are blessed to have a close knit family to greive together. You will be in my prayers dear friend.
    God Bless you Kat.

  3. Thank you both, Mart and Carrie, for your kind words. I will be catching up on my reading and visiting your Blogs in the next few days and weeks. It is so good to hear from you both again! God Bless.

  4. The passing of someone so young is hard to understand. I will keep you in my prayers.
